If you already have GOMINING tokens on other wallets
You can easily transfer your ERC-20 and BEP-20 GOMINING tokens to your virtual wallet.
Just follow these steps:
Click on the "Top up" button on your virtual wallet.
Enter the amount you want to transfer and click "Next". You'll then be directed to our payment gateway, GoMining Pay. Here are the instructions on how to use it.
Once the transaction is done, the tokens will be credited to your virtual wallet instantly.
If you don't have GOMINING tokens yet
You can purchase GOMINING tokens in two ways:
In your personal account
Go to the "Buy GOMINING" section and purchase tokens directly to your virtual wallet using crypto or a credit card. When buying tokens, choose your virtual wallet as the recipient address.
On the exchanges
Here you can find an actual list of exchanges where GOMINING listed. Once purchased, withdraw the tokens to your crypto wallet and then transfer them to your virtual wallet using the "Top up" button.